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  • Writer's pictureMrinal Masand

Geopathic Stress - Causes, Symptoms, Remedies

Updated: Oct 10, 2021

Geopathic Stress – Is it real? What is it?

Sometimes, when you occupy a space – a new building, a bungalow, a corporate space or even a resort on a specific land – you feel discomfort. It could be cold vibes in the air, recurring ill health or an illogical downfall of sorts. It’s something you can’t quite put your finger on. This is a subconscious response of your body and mind to geopathic stress in that space.

Geopathic Stress

‘Geopathic’ is a Greek word translating to the Earth (Geo) and to suffer (Pathos). This scientific effect is a result of disturbance in the planet’s electromagnetic field. The causes could be natural (underground water and other factors below the surface) or artificial (man-made formations). It is a very real phenomenon and energy that can be detrimental to human beings, plants and animals.

What a Geopathic-Stressed house looks like

An electromagnetic wakeup call is due when the house is under geopathic stress. Long hours and daily living in a stressed zone can be fairly evident to you. It also makes you more sensitive to feeling this pressure, the vibe. Things to look out for if you’re wondering if your house needs one:

high stress, fatigue, irritability, low productivity, frequent machine breakdowns, recurring ill health, lack of energy, restless sleep, low concentration, headaches, illogical life bumps, unhappy relations etc.

As our company’s Founder, Harinarayn, says – there’s a solution to every problem we face. So, there is nothing to be afraid of. If you have experienced these, we assure you that a solution and remedy is in place for the very challenge you are facing.

Illness as a symptom – Geopathic energy

When we feel a fever coming up, we’re aware of the common symptoms – a higher body temperature, runny or blocked nose and fatigue. This is our evidence that our body is facing an illness.

Now when your house/office or space is facing an illness, how do we know? Our abode, our home, our place of life and growth – it is difficult to even accept that there is something wrong. But we feel it. We feel it in energy shifts, bad vibrations, a weird vibe, repetitive damage (in some cases) or even when life gets more and more challenging by the day. This is geopathic energy affecting our surroundings.

Employee wellbeing – More than just work stress

There are certain zones with geopathic stress that can affect your employees. Consider this – an extremely efficient, highly productive and energetic person is hired by seeing the potential growth they bring to the company. In a few weeks or months, you see that person deteriorate, professionally and as an individual. The factors contributing to this could include geopathic energy at the place they sit.

The impact – before and after

When medical treatment or herbal remedies cannot explain or fix your health, your symptoms, it would be ideal to turn to geo energy. It brings a new insight to the table and this new perspective on healthy living can change your life forever.

The impact of geopathic stress can range from road rage to cancer – it is a vital cause to consider. The best way to determine if it is YOUR cause? Spend a few days away from the space, the routine, the stressed zone. You’ll see a difference right away.

For example – do you have cold or flu-like symptoms at work and these disappear when you are home on the weekends? This could be sick-building syndrome. It could be an exhaustive process to rule out probable causes and come to this conclusion but it is, in fact, very real and very serious.

In a constant effort to find ways of healing geopathic stress, Harinarayn envisioned Vastu Healing. With the scientific study of geo-energy and it’s causes, symptoms, effects, remedies making up 10 years of his life, he believes there is a solution for everything. Read more about how we can help you – here.

*All tips, facts, advisory statements are subjective to individual situations and experiences.

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