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  • Writer's pictureMrinal Masand

Vastu Healing decodes Sick-Building Syndrome (SBS)

An odd pair, right? Sickness and buildings – you would have never put the two words together.

Decoding the ‘health’ of a building

Buildings are never seen as a sickness hazard but here’s an analogy:

The building you live or work or spend most of your time in, is like a shield. You, your body, are the patient. When in a geopathic stress zone, this building is unable to shield you and in fact, affects your body.

Geopathic stress itself does not cause an illness. It impacts the patient’s immune system, making it difficult to fight diseases. The building is your shield, your safety net. But this stress energy blocks the electric pulses of your brain cells from regenerating or healing your body. Sleeping patterns are an ideal example of this!

In the building – symptoms

You enter your workplace – even just the gate – you feel a vibe that’s just off or a feeling that’s inexplainable but strange and you can’t figure out what it is. There is a possibility your building is exposed to a subtle disturbance in the earth’s electromagnetic frequency. This is geopathic stress in the building.

Outside the building – no symptoms

Now you’re leaving office for the weekend, a good 48-72 hours away from stress (and geopathic stress, if we may). You are in the comfort of your home or space, revived with energy and liveliness. This isn’t a sick building – it doesn’t cause sickness in the occupants.

What does this mean? Decoding SBS

When we feel a fever coming up, we’re aware of the common symptoms – a higher body temperature, runny or blocked nose and fatigue. This is our evidence that our body is facing an illness.

Diagnosing your symptoms is done through a process of elimination. You rule out the various surrounding-centric conditions like noisy work environments, chemicals or ozone emitted, low morale, fungus or tobacco present, eye straining machines etc. After that, you start to go deeper and look at the root causes – the plot, the history of the space, the geopathic stress lines and their intersections as well as the sufferer’s symptoms in detail.

Most of the times, the person suffering acute effects of the stress zone is just uncomfortable. They are unable to explain what they are feeling – it just feels out of the ordinary.

For example, we’ll consider a building or society that has been constructed near a stream flowing from North to South. Moreover, the Southern end of the building is a place of the fire element – but has been used to place the water tank. This induces a small proportion of our subject – the Sick Building Syndrome. During the rainy season or colder weather, where the water content in that corner becomes more than usual, it causes an effect of geopathic stress and sickness on nearby beings or the occupants.

Harinarayn believes the best way to avoid Sick Building Syndrome is to design and construct a building or plot with good air quality and taking into consideration the geopathic stress lines in that area. This ensures the occupant’s physical and mental health is good and keeps them safe.

*All tips, facts, advisory statements are subjective to individual situations and experiences.

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